Mengapa Asteroid Russia Tidak terdeteksi
pagi kemaren bola api turun dari langit dan jatuh di daerah russia yang mengakibatkan ratusn orang terluka.
itu adalah pertanyaan yang mengganjal di fikiran kita Mengapa Asteroid Russia Tidak terdeteksi.
jawaban dari pertanyaan itu di jaab oleh orang nasa amy mainzer, dia mengatakan :
kita sedang serentak mempelajari bola api di russia. karena bola api meteor itu cukup kecil kurang lebih 15 m dengan berat 7000 tons. itulah mengapa meteor itu tidak terdeteksi dalam bahasa inggris ane kopi dari situsnya berikut
Mainzer told io9 by email: We are quickly learning a lot about the Russian fireball. It was pretty small - only about 15 m and about 7000 tonnes - and that's why it wasn't detected. This object wasn't seen earlier because it was really faint, and it might not have been visible to observers in the night sky. Most of the survey efforts have been very successful in finding the largest asteroids (about 90% of the near-Earth objects larger than 1 km in diameter have been found), but there is still a lot of work to be done with finding and tracking the smaller objects.
Though it seemed enormous, the meteorite that struck Russia was relatively small. It's likely that objects like this could hit again without warning, simply because right now our satellite systems are combing the skies for truly deadly objects that could wipe out a country or even a continent. Still, added, Mainzer: NASA is studying ways to improve the survey capabilities; an example of a prototype new system is the NEOWISE project that I worked on, which used an infrared telescope to discover and characterize NEOs. But the program has been expanded in budget by about a factor of 3 in the last couple of years, so that's good.
Title : Mengapa Asteroid Russia Tidak terdeteksi
Description : Mengapa Asteroid Russia Tidak terdeteksi pagi kemaren bola api turun dari langit dan jatuh di daerah russia yang mengakibatkan ratusn or...